
Scherzi Musicali
[Harmonia Mundi]
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
María Cristina Kiehr, soprano
Stephan MacLeod, baritone-bass
Amandine Beyer, Alba Roca, violins
Gaetano Nasillo, cello
Monica Pustilnik, archlute, guitar
Mara Galassi, harp
Jean-Marc Aymes, claviorganum & conductor
Musical trifles... In addition to his books of madrigals, Monteverdi also practised throughout his life less ambitious vocal forms which he designated canzonette, arie or scherzi. Here is a broad selection of these, from the canzonette published in 1584 – when he was only seventeen – to the two books of Scherzi musicali. After the clear choreographic connotations of the 1607 collection, we move on, in 1632, to a considerably more sophisticated art, tending towards the strophic aria and the stile recitativo of the madrigal. Even if they were written for amusement, these ‘musical trifles’ attain summits of refinement.
This title was released for the first time in 2005.
« Poco a poco, Concerto Soave se ha ido consolidando como una de las formaciones de referencias en la interpretaciòn de la mùsica de la primera parte del XVII. Aymes echa mano aquì de gente sobradamente conocida dentro el movimiento historicista (...). Y con gente sì es normal que el resultado final del producto sea sobresaliente. Una delicia. » Eduardo Torrico, CD Compact, septembre 2005
*Rewards : 5 de Diapason, 4 étoiles du Monde de la Musique